Results for 'Review author[S.]: Kit Fine'

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  1. Critical notice.Review author[S.]: Kit Fine - 1975 - Mind 84 (335):451-458.
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  2. Modality and Tense: Philosophical Papers.Kit Fine - 2005 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This book is collection of the the author’s previously published papers on the philosophy of modality and tense and it also includes three unpublished papers. The author provides an exposition and defence of certain positions for which he is well-known: the intelligibility of modality de re; the primitiveness of the modal; and the primacy of the actual over the possible. He also argues for some less familiar positions: the existence of distinctive forms of natural and normative necessity, not reducible to (...)
  3. Logic for Exact Entailment.Kit Fine & Mark Jago - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (3):536-556.
    An exact truthmaker for A is a state which, as well as guaranteeing A’s truth, is wholly relevant to it. States with parts irrelevant to whether A is true do not count as exact truthmakers for A. Giving semantics in this way produces a very unusual consequence relation, on which conjunctions do not entail their conjuncts. This feature makes the resulting logic highly unusual. In this paper, we set out formal semantics for exact truthmaking and characterise the resulting notion of (...)
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  4. Semantics for the logic of essence.Kit Fine - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (6):543-584.
    This paper provides a possible worlds semantics for the system of the author's previous paper 'The Logic of Essence '. The basic idea behind the semantics is that a statement should be taken to be true in virtue of the nature of certain objects just in case it is true in any possible world compatible with the nature of those objects. It is shown that a slight variant of the original system is sound and complete under the proposed semantics.
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    Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic.Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores some of Kit Fine's outstanding contributions to logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, and metaphysics, among others. Contributing authors address in-depth issues about truthmaker semantics, counterfactual conditionals, grounding, vagueness, non-classical consequence relations, and arbitrary objects, offering critical reflections and novel research contributions. Each chapter is accompanied by an extensive commentary, in which Kit Fine offers detailed responses to the ideas and themes raised by the contributors. The book includes a brief autobiography and exhaustive list (...)
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  6. On Kit Fine’s The Limits of Abstraction – Discussion.Jamie Tappenden - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 122 (3):349-366.
  7. Critical notice of Kit fine's modality and tense: Philosophical papers.Graeme Forbes - 2008 - Philosophical Review 117 (2):275-287.
    In this critical review I discuss the main themes of the papers in Kit Fine's Modality and Tense: Philosophical Papers. These themes are that modal operators are intelligible in their own right and that actualist quantifiers are to be taken as basic with respect to possibilist quantifiers. I also discuss a previously unpublished paper of Fine's on modality and existence.
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  8. Vagueness: A Global Approach, by Kit Fine[REVIEW]Chad Carmichael - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (3):594-595.
    A review of Kit Fine's book, Vagueness: A Global Approach.
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  9. Kit Fine’s Autobiography.Kit Fine - 2023 - In Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte, Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic. Springer Verlag. pp. 13-21.
    A short intellectual biography of Kit Fine, provided by himself.
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  10. The Silence of the Lambdas. Interview with Kit Fine.Kit Fine - 2011 - The Philosophers' Magazine 55 (55):19-27.
    “Mathematical objects are not exactly of our own making, but we actually have to do something to get them. There’s something out there which we prod, but there’s the prodding that’s also required. Numbers are not exactly out there or in us, but somehow in between.”.
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  11. Semantic relationism.Kit Fine (ed.) - 2007 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    Introducing a new and ambitious position in the field, Kit Fine’s _Semantic Relationism_ is a major contribution to the philosophy of language. Written by one of today’s most respected philosophers Argues for a fundamentally new approach to the study of representation in language and thought Proposes that there may be representational relationships between expressions or elements of thought that are not grounded in the intrinsic representational features of the expressions or elements themselves Forms part of the prestigious new _Blackwell/Brown (...)
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  12. Williamson on Fine on Prior on the reduction of possibilist discourse.Kit Fine - 2016 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 46 (4-5):548-570.
    I attempt to meet some criticisms that Williamson makes of my attempt to carry out Prior's project of reducing possibility discourse to actualist discourse.
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  13. The Pure Logic of Ground.Kit Fine - 2012 - Review of Symbolic Logic 5 (1):1-25.
    I lay down a system of structural rules for various notions of ground and establish soundness and completeness.
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  14. Angellic Content.Kit Fine - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (2):199-226.
    I provide a truthmaker semantics for Angell’s system of analytic implication and establish completeness.
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    Book Review: Discourses of Jewish Identity in Twentieth-Century France. [REVIEW]Ellen S. Fine - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):378-379.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Discourses of Jewish Identity in Twentieth-Century FranceEllen S. FineDiscourses of Jewish Identity in Twentieth-Century France, edited by Alan Astro; Yale French Studies 265pp. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994, $17.00.Ever since France became the first European country to grant Jews equal rights as citizens with the enactment of the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1791, the question of identity has been a central preoccupation of French (...)
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  16. The non-identity of a material thing and its matter.Kit Fine - 2003 - Mind 112 (446):195-234.
    There is a well-known argument from Leibniz's Law for the view that coincident material things may be distinct. For given that they differ in their properties, then how can they be the same? However, many philosophers have suggested that this apparent difference in properties is the product of a linguistic illusion; there is just one thing out there, but different sorts or guises under which it may be described. I attempt to show that this ‘opacity’ defence has intolerable consequences for (...)
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  17. Yablo on subject-matter.Kit Fine - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (1):129-171.
    I discuss Yablo’s approach to truthmaker semantics and compare it with my own, with special focus on the idea of a proposition being true of or being restricted to some subject-matter, the idea of propositional containment, and the development of an ‘incremental’ semantics for the conditional. I conclude with some remarks on the relationship between truth-maker approach and the standard possible worlds approach to semantics.
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  18. Neutral relations.Kit Fine - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (1):1-33.
    There is a standard view of relations, held by philosophers and logicians alike, according to which we may meaningfully talk of a relation holding of several objects in a given order. Thus it is supposed that we may meaningfully—indeed, correctly—talk of the relation loves holding of Anthony and Cleopatra or of the relation between holding of New York, Washington, and Boston. But innocuous as this view might appear to be, it cannot be accepted as applying to all relations whatever. For (...)
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  19. The Nature of Necessity.Kit Fine - 1976 - Philosophical Review 85 (4):562.
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    Objects of Thought.Kit Fine - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (3):392.
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  21. The problem of non-existents.Kit Fine - 1982 - Topoi 1 (1-2):97-140.
  22. Truthmaking and the is—ought gap.Kit Fine - 2018 - Synthese 198 (2):887-914.
    This paper is an attempt to apply the truthmaker approach, recently developed by a number of authors, to the problem of providing an adequate formulation of the is–ought gap. I begin by setting up the problem and criticizing some other accounts of how the problem should be stated; I then introduce the basic apparatus of truth-making and show how it may be extended to include both descriptive and normative truth-makers; I next consider how the gap principle should be formulated, attempting (...)
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  23. Conditional and Unconditional Obligation.Kit Fine - 2024 - Mind 133 (530):377-399.
    I present a novel account of unconditional obligation and of its relationship to conditional obligation and bring this account to bear upon Chisholm's puzzle concerning contrary-to duty obligation.
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  24. Compliance and command I—categorical imperatives.Kit Fine - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (4):609-633.
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  25. Compliance and Command II, Imperatives and Deontics.Kit Fine - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (4):634-664.
    I extend the previously given truth-maker semantics and logic for imperatives to deontic statements.
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  26. An incomplete logic containing S.Kit Fine - 1974 - Theoria 40 (1):23-29.
  27. A Counter-Example to Locke’s Thesis.Kit Fine - 2000 - The Monist 83 (3):357-361.
    Locke’s thesis states that no two things of the same sort can be in the same place at the same time. The thesis has recently received extensive discussion, with some philosophers attempting to find arguments in its favour and others attempting to provide counter-examples. However, neither the arguments nor the counter-examples have been especially convincing; and it is my aim, in this short note, to present what I believe is a more convincing counter-example to the thesis.
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  28. Natural deduction and arbitrary objects.Kit Fine - 1985 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 14 (1):57 - 107.
  29. A puzzle concerning matter and form.Kit Fine - 1994 - In Theodore Scaltsas, David Owain Maurice Charles & Mary Louise Gill, Unity, identity, and explanation in Aristotle's metaphysics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 13--40.
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    The Logics Containing S 4.3.Kit Fine - 1971 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 17 (1):371-376.
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    Compliance and Command III: Conditional Imperatives.Kit Fine - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-47.
    I apply truthmaker semantics to the logic of conditional imperatives.
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    In Defense of a Global View of Vagueness’: Response to Andreas Ditter’s ‘Fine on the Possibility of Vagueness.Kit Fine - 2023 - In Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte, Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic. Springer Verlag. pp. 735-747.
    I respond to some objections Andreas Ditter makes to the logico-global account of vagueness developed in Fine ([2008], [2017], [2020]).
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    Plantinga on the Reduction of Possibilist Discourse.Kit Fine - 2005 - In Modality and Tense: Philosophical Papers. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter critically examines Plantinga’s version of modal actualism, and his arguments against Prior’s version of modal actualism.
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  34. Some Remarks on the Role of Essence in Kripke's “Naming and Necessity”.Kit Fine - 2021 - Theoria 88 (2):403-405.
    Theoria, Volume 88, Issue 2, Page 403-405, April 2022.
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  35. The permutation principle in quantificational logic.Kit Fine - 1983 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 12 (1):33 - 37.
  36. Model theory for modal logic—part III existence and predication.Kit Fine - 1981 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 10 (3):293 - 307.
  37. Recurrence: a rejoinder.Kit Fine - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 169 (3):425-428.
    I am grateful to Nathan Salmon [in Salmon (2012)] for being willing to spill so much ink over my monograph on semantic relationism (2007), even if what he has to say is not altogether complimentary. There is a great deal in his criticisms to which I take exception but I wish to focus on one point, what he calls my ‘formal disproof’ of standard Millianism. He believes that ‘the alleged hard result is nearly demonstrably false’ (p. 420) and that the (...)
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    Tübingen Metaphysics Workshop - Existence, Truth and Fundamentality.Fabio Ceravolo, Mattia Cozzi & Mattia Sorgon - 2014 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 5 (1):94-123.
    Since last year, major initiatives have been undertaken by the chair of theoretical philosophy at the University of Tübingen in order to enhance the reception of analytic metaphysics in the European landscape. Here we review the 2013 summer workshop, intended to be the first of an annual series, on “Existence, Truth and Fundamentality”, the invited speakers being Graham Priest (Melbourne), Stephan Leuenberger (Glasgow), Dan López de Sa (Barcelona), Francesco Berto (Aberdeen), Friederike Moltmann (Paris – Pantheon Sorbonne) and Jason Turner (...)
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    Replies.Kit Fine - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 122 (3):367 - 395.
    Fine's replies to critics, in a symposium on his book The Limits of Abstraction.
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    ‘Truthmaker Semantics for Relevance Logic’: Response to ‘Fine’s Semantics for Relevance Logic and its Relevance’ by Katalin Bimbó and J. Michael Dunn.Kit Fine - 2023 - In Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte, Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic. Springer Verlag. pp. 151-165.
    I outline a truthmaker semantics for relevanced logic.
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    Refining Russell’: Response to Leon Horsten’s and Ryo Ito’s ‘Russell and Fine on Variable Objects.Kit Fine - 2023 - In Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte, Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic. Springer Verlag. pp. 705-713.
    I consider, in the light of Horsten’s and Ito’s paper, how the theory of arbitrary objects might help to make sense of Russell’s views on the nature of variables.
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  42. Truth without satisfaction.Kit Fine & Timothy McCarthy - 1984 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 13 (4):397 - 421.
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    An Epistemized Truthmaker Semantics for Epistemic Logic’: Response to Hawke’s and Özgün’s ‘Truthmaker Semantics for Epistemic Logic.Kit Fine - 2023 - In Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte, Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic. Springer Verlag. pp. 337-348.
    In the light of Hawke’s and Özgün’s paper, I consider how and to what extent the sequent calculus and truthmaker semantics might be of help in formulating and solving problems within epistemic logic.
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    The Whole Truth: An Internal Perspective’: Response to Krämer’s ‘The Whole Truth.Kit Fine - 2023 - In Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte, Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic. Springer Verlag. pp. 551-572.
    In the light of Krämer’s paper, I consider some of the different ways in which the notion of the whole truth can be defined within the object language.
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  45. Aristotle's Megarian Manoeuvres.Kit Fine - 2011 - Mind 120 (480):993-1034.
    Towards the end of Theta.4 of the Metaphysics, Aristotle appears to endorse the obviously invalid modal principle that the truth of A will entail the truth of B if the possibility of A entails the possibility of B. I attempt to show how Aristotle's endorsement of the principle can be seen to arise from his accepting a non-standard interpretation of the modal operators and I indicate how the principle and its interpretation are of independent interest, quite apart from their role (...)
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    Quine on Quantifying In.Kit Fine - 2005 - In Modality and Tense: Philosophical Papers. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter provides shorter version of the previous chapter and develops some of its themes. It argues that the status of Quine’s arguments against quantifying into modal contexts varies depending upon whether a logical or a metaphysical modality is in question. Various ways of making sense of de re logical modality are distinguished.
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  47. (1 other version)Some Remarks on Popper’s Qualitative Criterion of Verisimilitude.Kit Fine - 2019 - Erkenntnis 87 (1):213-236.
    The paper sets up a general framework for defining the notion of verisimilitude. Popper’s own account of verisimilitude is then located within this framework; and his account is defended on the grounds that it can be seen to provide a reasonable structural or Pareto criterion, rather than a substantive criterion, of verisimilitude. Some other criteria of verisimilitude that may be located within the framework are also considered and their relative merits compared.
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  48. Reply to Lawlor’s “Varieties of coreference”.Kit Fine - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81 (2):496-501.
  49. Mathematics: Discovery or Invention?Kit Fine - 2012 - Think 11 (32):11-27.
    Mathematics has been the most successful and is the most mature of the sciences. Its first great master work – Euclid's ‘Elements’ – which helped to establish the field and demonstrate the power of its methods, was written about 2400 years ago; and it served as a standard text in the mathematics curriculum well into the twentieth century. By contrast, the first comparable master work of physics – Newton's Principia – was written 300 odd years ago. And the juvenile science (...)
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    11 11 Review of The Nature of Necessity by Alvin Plantinga.Kit Fine - 2005 - In Modality and Tense: Philosophical Papers. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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